A Manly Purpose

As we look around our world today, we see an effort to completely erase the foundations of our nation, society, and especially religion. There has been an attack on the Bible and Biblical Christianity. There has also been an aggressive attack on Biblical manhood and an attempt to redefine what manhood is. The purpose of this blog has always been to promote biblical manhood. We have worked to be a help in the discipleship of men, so that with the Bible as a guide men can live, grow, lead, and serve to the glory of God in their homes, workplaces, and the local church.

With the changes in our world since early March 2020, there is an even greater need for biblical men.  As I have considered the role of men in our changing world, I am reminded daily that the mission of BETHEMAN.net must remain the same.  The world has a serious problem.  A problem that has only one cure, and only one hope.  The problem is sin and the only cure is Jesus Christ. 

Do you ever wonder what it’s all for?  Why was I created? What is the purpose of all this?  Let’s look at Genesis 2:15 together:  

“And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the Garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it”

You were created like no other creature in all of creation. You are not just another element of creation.  God actually breathed into man His own breath.  That is the breath of eternal life (2:17).  Man has been uniquely created to know God.  Man doesn’t just merely know him, we are image bearers.  Man has been called to be the image of God in creation.  

We bear His image as we worship and serve God.  This is who we were created to be.  This is why anything outside of that is ultimately unfulfilling, leads to sin, and ultimately death.  

God, according to the Bible, formed man with his own hands, then placed him into the garden.  The garden is the place man will find communion with God.  The garden is where everything happens.  Everything man was tasked with was for God’s ultimate glory.  

Adam was to be the lord of the garden.  He was to bring glory to God by devoting himself to bearing God’s fruit. (1:28). Adam was not created to serve his own needs or desires. This is contrary to what our society and culture teaches.   Adam was created to bring glory to his creator as he fulfilled his role as lord and keeper of God’s creation.  He was to be a faithful servant.  

How is Adam supposed to do all this?  According to scripture, it is by working and keeping (2:15).  Two other words that could be summaries are service and leadership.  Based on Genesis 2, men are to be lords and servants under God’s authority.  This is for the sole purpose of working and keeping (2:15).  

Men, you and I can only find our purpose in scripture. There are many who search the world for their purpose. Many men search the world for pleasure. Many men spend a lifetime trying to fulfill themselves, only to discover nothing this world has to offer can fill the void. There is a reason why this is true. There is a biblical reason why this is true. Ignoring the truth of God’s Holy word will not make it any less true. Denying the authority and sovereignty of God himself will not make it any less fact. A lifetime can be wasted searching this world for purpose and pleasure.

True manly purpose and ultimate fulfillment will ONLY BE FOUND IN ABSOLUTE OBEDIENCE TO GOD’S HOLY WORD.  This is something that we must understand, live, and teach.  

We are called to bear God’s image in this moment, in this crisis, in your home, in your local church, in this political environment. People ask about the future. People have opinions about how we got in this mess. Men, this problem started in the garden when a man failed to work and keep. This problem started in the garden when a man failed to be the leader & lord he was created to be. The problems we see in our world today manifests from generations of men who have failed to live in submission to the Biblical plan. Even when Adam was given the opportunity to accept responsibility for not leading Eve, he didn’t.

“And he said, “The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat.” (3:12

This verse is sad.  This is a man who is in no way leading as he was created.  He blames the woman and even lays some blame at God’s feet.  He says this woman YOU gave me. Wow, even today we blame this group or that group for our problems.  We blame our culture, our history, our forefathers, we blame children, wives, elected officials.  When the issue belongs at the feet of men who refuse to submit to their creator and to work and keep.  Men who seek pleasure rather than God’s purpose.  Men who seek popularity rather than God’s plan.  Men who pander to a world dying in sin rather than submitting and serving the eternal living God of Glory!  MEN!!  Wake UP! 

Men are called to be image bearers of God in this world (in this garden). This world is corrupted by sin, but there is a plan and a power at work. There is a plan at work to redeem man and this fallen world by the power of God’s amazing grace. This is made possible through the blood of Jesus Christ.

Men this is July 2020, and God has the same call on your life as he had on Adam.  This world is a mess and has no prospects of getting better.  It only has one hope and that hope is Jesus Christ.  It is time for men to start living out their God given purpose.  This must be done in every relationship: 1) Marriage, 2) Fatherhood, 3) Church Service, 4) Friendships.  

What will happen as you do this??

Everything will come into focus. You will gain a better understanding for the meaning of life and your personal journey. It is time to become the man God created you to be. A man placed by God in “the garden” to bear “fruit” for his glory. This change starts with repentance.


Brother Tripp

2 thoughts on “A Manly Purpose

  1. Awesome words Brother. I now have opportunity to look back on my life and wish I had done better in many of my rolls. GranDad now will keep trying. Thanks for the challenge.

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