A Radical Calling (Part 4)

In a little over a month we have looked at the radical calling of Timothy.  We have looked at some virtues of a man of God (Paul referred to Timothy as a man of God in verse 11).  We have discussed things in which we should flee, and things we should pursue.  The man of God is pursuing a prize which is not only certain, it is a reality to be laid hold of and firmly grasped.  In part three we focused on the first exhortation found in 1 Timothy chapter six verse twelve.  Today in part four of ‘A Radical Calling’ we will look at the second exhortation.   

“…lay hold on eternal life…” (1Timothy 6:12b)

It might seem strange to think of a leader like Timothy as someone who needs to be encouraged to ‘lay (take) hold’ of eternal life.  Timothy had been a Christian for a while and surely, he would have been aware of what eternal life means.  Why would Paul exhort Timothy in this manner?  

Let us discuss what eternal life means as it is used here in these verses.  When we speak about eternal life, many focus on the duration of eternal life.  We sing songs with lines like “when we’ve been there ten thousand years…” and our minds try to grasp the idea of eternity with our Lord.  In our finite state, it is virtually impossible to grasp.  It seems in this instance that the focus is not the duration, but the quality.  Eternal life means the life of the new age, which Jesus inaugurated.  Jesus defined it by knowing him and knowing the Father. (John 17:3)  Eternal life is both a present and a future hope.  The present possession is mentioned by Paul. (2 Tim. 1:10)  Paul also points to a present hope. (Titus 1:2)  Paul tells Timothy to lay hold of what he already has.  

So men of God, how do we take hold of eternal life? 

If eternal life is something that I possess now through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ,  then I should embrace it.  As we have seen in our study of these verses, Paul told Timothy to do some radical stuff.  This exhortation is no less radical than the previous ones.  Timothy is to focus on the quality of life (eternal life) he now has in Jesus Christ.  The focus is not the duration.  Timothy is to make it clear by how he lives that he is a child of God.  Paul used some active and even forceful verbs in these verses.  The words flee, follow, fight, and lay hold are not passive words. 

 I strongly believe that my faith should not be passive.  What we see from these men of God is an active faith. This active faith is training, sacrificing, guarding, and going continuously.  How active is your faith, men?  If we look at verse twelve, what we see is the result of a verse eleven type of life.  The obedience in our lives will determine the quality of that life.  Will you be a contributor in the work of the gospel?  Will you be a spectator as others labor?  Truthfully, the work of the gospel is too exciting to be a spectator.  I want to be as active in my Lord’s business as He would have me to be!  My hope is that each day I lay hold of my present life and future hope, both of which are made possible by the sacrifice of my Savior.  My hope is that if I go by the way of the grave someone might say “He was always busy for Christ”.  Then one day my hope is that I will hear “Well Done”! 

There is a great song that has been on my mind while doing this study.  Many will be familiar with this particular song.  The song starts with these words; “What a day that will be, when my Jesus I shall see, And I look upon his face, the one who saved me by his grace…what a day, glorious day that will be”.  Look at that those words.  Brothers, Christ was not passive in his love for us.  He saved us!  Hallelujah!  He has been far better to me than I deserve.  If my faith wasn’t established in passivity, why would I think it could be lived out in any such fashion?  While I can, on this side of glory, I am going to be busy working on the quality of the life my Lord so graciously has given to me.  

This is a radical calling we have been given.  Some might think I am referring to preaching, but no.  I am not referring to the calling to travel to distant lands for the gospel.  The radical calling was given the day His precious Holy Spirit spoke to this sin cursed heart and I was gloriously saved.

 Things got radical when I said yes to Christ!

I am praying that God would use you in a radical way in your context.

Be The Man!!!

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