Convert or Disciple

Answer the following question to yourself: Are you a convert or a disciple? Some might say “I am a convert”, while others might say “I am a disciple.” Maybe you are scratching your head… bear with me for a few moments.

What is a convert? A convert is someone who has repented of sin, accepted Jesus as Savior, and committed to following the teachings of Jesus.
What is a disciple? A disciple, simply put, is a follower of Jesus.

A disciple will be a convert, but some seem to think it is possible to be a convert and not a disciple. That is not true. Some think that to become a disciple something happens after conversion only to a select few. The scriptures do not teach that idea at all.

Jesus gave the Great Commission which says: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations” (Matt 28:19). Jesus doesn’t say go and get people to “make professions of faith”, “shake hands with the preacher”, “repeat these words”, “make an empty response to bait and switch invitation”! No, the words of our Lord are clear. MAKE DISCIPLES!

John wrote that if anyone says they know Jesus but does not keep his commandments then that person is a liar (1 John 2:4).
True faith will move you in such a way that you can’t help but follow and obey Christ. The first steps we took in faith might have been a little unsteady. Maybe we stumble a little but they are steps toward Christ. My fear is that much of what is seen today in the evangelical world is void of truth. There are, in my opinion, many that have been lied to. They have a false idea of salvation. They think that because they said some prayer, walked some isle, or signed some card they have have eternal life.
I did all of those things and walked in sin for 24 years! There was no change in me, except that I grew further away from truth. There was no fruit and I certainly was no disciple of Christ! The moment I was gloriously redeemed I became a disciple of Christ. I wanted more of his Word and more of Him. That doesn’t mean I never stumbled. I have certainly stumbled! The key is, I continue in repentance and to follow Him, no matter what.

Jesus demands we trust him with everything! He demands we follow him. “And he said to THEM ALL, If ANY MAN will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross DAILY, and FOLLOW ME.” (Luke 9:23)

It isn’t about me! It must be about Christ! There is a second piece to discipleship. A disciple will make disciples. Are you making disciples? Are you part of a disciple making church? Many times our view is very inwardly focused… maybe it’s time we turn it wrong side out! Maybe it’s time we start doing what Jesus said. Maybe it’s time we get uncomfortable! I think it is time and I think the church must take the lead.

People throw around the term “doing ministry”. That seems to be a blanket term for just about anything today. I am convinced that most of what is considered ministry is nothing more than “flesh centered me worship” and it is void of truth and any real power! It’s ok if that wasn’t easy to hear! It’s ok if you thought it was too harsh. It’s ok, but that doesn’t make it untrue! Is your “ministry” helping grow disciples? I mean true disciples that make disciples! True followers of Christ! The Apostle Paul had a true ministry and worked to grow disciples.
Paul in 1 Thessalonians chapter 2 speaks about being filled with an earnest love for them. Paul sacrificed so that they could know the truth. The idea here is similar to a nursing mother. Paul held them close and with love he taught them truth.

Discipleship can be messy. If you are a parent raising children… that wasn’t always the cleanest, most sanitary situation. You continued to do it because of the love and affection for that child. Church, we must do the same for new Christians. Sometimes those will be addicts, single moms, drunks, children who make a mess, that neighbor, a precious relative, or friend. They will be hurt and broken! If I am going to grow disciples then I am going to have to take off my suit coat, roll up my sleeves, get down in there and cultivate, water, and sometimes weed that garden! It will be work. There will be sweat, and maybe tears, and it will require sacrifice! Yes!
Then the harvest comes as that disciple pulls up along side another young Christian and begins to do the same thing. Then what we see is real ministry, real life changing ministry! That is ministry resulting in a glorious harvest for our Lord! That is what I want to be involved in! What say you, brothers?

Be The Man!

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